quinta-feira, 21 de abril de 2016

Oh Mermaid (PTU) - Tutorial by Ka Dismal e Extras/Snags (FTU)


Meu novo tutorial para o S&CO CT e extras/snags.

Tutorial Oh Mermaid
By Ka Dismal 2016

PTU tube “Mermaid Magic” by Lady Mishka:

PTU scrapkit “Oh Mermaid” by Bibi’s Collection:

Mask and font your choice

Open a new image 600 x 550 pixels, with a white background.
Open Element 27 and resize for 80%. Copy and past as new layer in the bottom right side of the tag. Duplicate. Apply Mirror. Merge the two layers.
Add a new layer and Select All.
Open Paper 7, copy and past into selection. Deselect. Apply a Mask your choice.
Open Element 68. Apply Flip. Copy and past as new layer in the right side of the tag. Duplicate. Apply Mirror. Merge the two layers.
Open Element 2 and resize for 65%. Copy and past as new layer in the upper of the tag.
Open Element 42 and resize for 50%. Copy and past as new layer in the bottom right side of the tag. Duplicate. Apply Mirror. Merge the two layers.
Open Element 87 and resize for 60%. Apply Flip. Copy and past as new layer in the bottom center of the tag.
Open Element 129 and resize for 30%. Copy and past as new layer in the bottom of the tag.
Open Element 46 and resize for 30%. Copy and past as new layer in the bottom right side of the tag. Duplicate. Apply Mirror. Merge the two layers.
Open Element 70 and resize for 35%. Copy and past as new layer in the bottom right side of the tag.
Open Element 126. Copy and past as new layer in the upper right side of the tag. Duplicate. Apply Mirror. Merge the two layers.
Open Element 20 and resize for 40%. Copy and past as new layer in the upper left side of the tag.
Open Element 119 and resize for 20%. Apply Rotate Right 15. Copy and past as new layer in the upper right side of the tag.
Open Element 30 and resize for 30%. Apply Mirror. Copy and past as new layer in the bottom right side of the tag.
Past your tube and the credits.
Put your name and sign.
Close the white background and save a PNG format.

Have fun!!

Clique para ver em tamanho real depois salve


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